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Letter: Elevating our moral development

Editor, Gazette-Journal:


I agree with Santa (Bird’s Eye View cartoon, Dec. 19 issue) that this past year, in particular, has shown us all how uncivil and impolite we can be to each other. If we can’t get beyond Stage 3, Level 2—conformity to consideration of others—of Kohlberg’s (1958) three levels of moral development, we will never evolve as a society. When future societies look back, do we “just” want to be remembered for being polite?


Instead of attacking those women and children (who make up 50 percent of the poverty level in our nation), consider this: We are paying taxes for welfare, SNAP, etc., because large store chains hire part time (less than 32 hours per week in Virginia) and yet continue to prosper financially, while leaving their employees without a minimum wage ($7.25/hour x 40 hours/week = $15,080/year) to live on. As taxpayers, we are subsidizing fellow citizens because of the immoral employment practic...

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