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Letter: Election selection

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The coordinated “Deep State” has successfully wielded their combined powers against Donald J. Trump—and us. What to do?
I understand not liking Trump’s personality and comments. I often cringe. That said, he is a working man at war with those powers and his only weapons are his big mouth, vast economic experience and backbone. He is not a saint. He is a born leader who has made a covenant with the American people to restore our Republic, giving power back to the people with liberty and justice for all—MAGA. Hillary called us deplorables!
Why would an outrageously wealthy and powerful man, successful worldwide, lacking nothing, risk his life, fortunes, and now freedom to battle for America’s restoration? God called. To end these attacks all he must do is shut up, pack up and go home. He will not. He has committed his life to We The People’s rights and freedoms. That is why they hate him. Pray, trust God and vote for Trump.
Ruth LitschewskiOnemo, Va.

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