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Letter: Dangers of truck fatigue/distracted driving

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Big trucks are a common sight on Gloucester roads, essential for moving goods and supporting our economy. However, trucker fatigue and distracted driving pose growing risks that demand immediate attention. With Virginia ranked 13th in the nation for big truck accidents, Gloucester must take proactive steps to ensure safer roads for all.
Risks of fatigue and distraction
Fatigue is a persistent issue in the trucking industry. Long hours and tight deadlines push drivers to exhaustion, impairing their focus and reaction times. Distracted driving exacerbates this problem, as truckers may text, use navigation systems, or rely too heavily on in-cabin technologies. These behaviors are especially dangerous given the size and weight of large commercial vehicles, which already increase the likelihood of severe accidents.
While new technologies aim to improve safety, they often lead to over-reliance and complacency. Gloucester’s roads are too small and active to bear the c...

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