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Letter: Consequences

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
An article in the June 22 issue (“School board requests capital funds for MHS boiler replacement”) is instructive about the impact on Mathews schools from the level funding imposed by county supervisors. I selectively quote from the article: “2.5 percent COLA for all employees” [national inflation for 2022 was 7.5 percent], reducing one elementary and one MHS teacher and one office staff position, elimination of the proposed 3-year-old pre-kindergarten program.”
I may live in Williamsburg, but I have a deep and abiding interest in the Mathews schools. Level funding for a school system is false stewardship. In our current situation, the school employees will continue to lose the battle with inflation. As a former elementary teacher and longtime volunteer, I can only speak to the one lost position at the elementary school. Trying to do more with less along with the possibility of larger class sizes is placing an undue burden on the faculty. Although one of the su...

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