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Letter: Congress: Find redline

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I’m trying to understand where the redline is for our GOP members of Congress. Apparently allowing almost every single unqualified cabinet member to be confirmed isn’t it.
Allowing people with no security clearances to have access to all of our most protected information (bank accounts, IRS filings, and health care info) isn’t it.
Allowing the president to fire all the Inspectors General who provide legal guardrails on all agencies isn’t it.
Allowing the president to illegally fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which looks out for fraud imposed on citizens isn’t it.
Allowing a man with no security clearance access to federal contracts of his competitors isn’t it.
Allowing a man with no security clearance to fire the heads of agencies who were investigating this same person isn’t it.
Allowing the same man with no security clearance to cut thousands of positions with no concept of what they do isn’t it.
Allowing the president to willy nilly...

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