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Letter: Civil rights under attack

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The most recent Mathews Board of Supervisors meeting highlights some of the problems that are plaguing America right now. The same people who support a divisive presidential candidate that will strip many groups of basic civil rights are claiming that they are against division.
At the meeting, Mr. Jones stated that racism only continues because it keeps getting brought up and that organizations like the NAACP perpetuate racism in order to make money from it. Racial issues have plagued this country from its foundation, and it has only been improved because people went to war, continuously marched in the streets, protested, and demanded that not only society but also laws change. It is naive at best to say that ignoring the issue would solve it but it’s also harmful and demeaning to the people that it affects the most, such as women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and people with disabilities and/or mental health issues.
Civil rights are constantly under attack, just look at P...

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