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Letter: Changing our minds?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
No matter how we shake it, the balance is changing. Republican and Democrat patriots are disgusted with the continuing betrayal of their parties. An “elephant” head on a “donkey” body … red and blue becoming purple while Americans are being sold out to the highest global bidder. With increasing failures, this “uni-party” is becoming hard to disguise.
Our freedoms, economy, values, safety are all hanging by threads over a darkening abyss. Republicans yell “communists” at the Dems and Democrats yell “globalist Wall Streeters” to Repubs. Both accusations are true and they are selling us out. Both parties are dead to those of us who support restoring American greatness and our own lives and future in the process.
The 2022 election will dramatically change America, one way or the other. What to do? Get involved now. Use your well-earned power. The MAGA movement, to the horror of our sell-outs, is determined to win. The “new” Republican Party is being re-energized in...

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