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Letter: Canoe Jam was a blast

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

It has been several weeks ago now, but I had to write and let the community know about an awesome experience I had at Beaverdam Park on Aug. 17. The 16th Canoe Jam was a blast! There were two- and four-mile kayak and canoe races for one or two people, and a fun group canoe event.

The event was well run by Karla Havens and had super sponsorship, awards and refreshments. I am writing this in the hope that more people, of all ages, will come join us next year. The cause is worthy, with proceeds going to Beaverdam Park. The event is publicized in the Gazette-Journal, the Beehive and at Beaverdam Park.

Hope to see you all next summer for this great community event.

Tanner Hurst

Ware Neck, Va.

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