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Letter: Bullying in school topic of meeting

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Bullying is one of those subjects that we hear about frequently—in the newspapers, on the radio and television, and from our neighbors. If you have a child or are just an interested citizen, you may be concerned about this ongoing problem.
This is also an issue that is being addressed in Mathews County Public Schools. To better inform parents about this issue, Ms. Kathryn Howlett, school counselor at Lee-Jackson Elementary School, will be attending the Nov. 16 Mathews County Special Education Advisory Committee meeting, to discuss how this issue is addressed in the school.
The meeting will be held at Mathews Memorial Library. Please check at the front desk for the meeting location. As always, the public is invited and encouraged to attend, and the Committee hopes that parents of elementary school students will be present to learn about Lee-Jackson Elementary School’s approach to this issue.
Barbara Fleming, chair
Mathews County SEAC
Cobbs Creek, Va....

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