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Letter: Blue Shirts?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
There has been much buzz in the media about a far-right paramilitary. Such a group would certainly have practical advantages, since it would operate outside of the military chain of command or the rules of engagement or even any accountability at all, and it would be responsible to one leader and not to the Constitution. But such a group should sport a distinctive color.
What color should that be? The colors black and brown have already been taken. Red shirts are associated with second-string athletes. The color yellow is associated with cowardice. Green is associated with environmentalism. How about blue?
Blue as in “red, white and blue.” Blue as in “true blue.” Blue as the color of the clothes of hard-working American men. Wouldn’t it be thrilling to see ranks of armed Blue Shirts marching in parade? It could happen.
If such a thing comes to pass, remember that you read it here first.
Paul V. HyerMathews, Va.

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