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Letter: Biden’s record

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In response to a letter to the editor (“Vote blue, save America,” May 16 Readers Write), I offer a response. I’m not going to argue about Trump’s fitness for the Presidency. That’s up to the voters to decide. I will respond to the writer’s other points.
Regarding the touted infrastructure bill, this was nothing but a deficit-hiking spending spree by the government. When Biden came into office, the economic damage done by the Covid lockdowns was already over. The economy was making a speedy recovery. Inflation, at the end of January 2021, was in its 11th straight month at an annual rate of under 2 percent. Recovering from Covid lockdowns, jobs were being added at a rate of 1.2 million a month.
Instead of continuing Trump’s policy of ending Covid lockdowns, Biden immediately passed two trillion in deficit spending that sent inflation soaring. By June of 2021 inflation was at 5.4 percent. By June of 2022 inflation peaked at 9.1 percent, the highest in 40-plus year...

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