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Letter: Biden won. Let’s move on.

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In response to Sue Long’s question “who do you think got the most votes?” (“Common sense,” Sept. 16 Readers Write), that’s an easy one to answer. President Joseph B. Biden Jr. did.
Why did Biden win over a critical swing state like Arizona? I feel mainly two reasons. First, Cindy McCain and her entire Republican family endorsed Biden. Secondly, because most voters in every state still have some good old-fashioned common sense. Well, the vaccinated ones do.
Trump lost Arizona because of his insulting and ignorant remarks about the most honorable John McCain, who not only served Arizona in Congress for 35 years, but Captain McCain also served our country during the Vietnam conflict. The former Senator and GOP presidential nominee courageously spent five and a half years in a North Vietnamese prison camp, where he was repeatedly tortured almost to death.
Before you all say we never liked McCain, I know good and well you voted for him against President Obama. I kno...

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