Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Hello. Let me introduce myself. I am the person that you almost killed yesterday when you ran the red light. I am a mother, a sister, an aunt and a grandmother.
I saw you accelerate when the light changed and continued to race through the intersection, even though you had time to stop. Fortunately for me—and you—I was paying attention. You almost took all that away from my family—and yours—because for some selfish reason you felt you could not spare two minutes in your life to sit through a traffic light.
This is becoming an epidemic everywhere, but I never thought I would see such unashamed selfish behavior from adults in Gloucester. The reason we all love living in Gloucester County is because of the slower pace and consideration toward others. My co-worker has a sign in her office, “Be the Change.”
Before you cause a lot of pain and a lifetime of grief to your family and mine, Be the Change, be the example to others, and please take two minutes to stop and e...
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