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Letter: Barrick has the experience and knowledge

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Mark Barrick has the experience, knowledge and the willingness to serve the citizens of Mathews County as their sheriff. He is a man of integrity and is committed to serve the people in a professional manner, from the elderly (Triad, Project Lifeline) to the youth of our county. He has committed to expand and improve the effectiveness of the Crime Watch program. He will introduce to Mathews the concept of community policing, where the residents and business owners will have the opportunity to know and relate to our law enforcement personnel.

Contrary to what we are told, there is a significant illegal drug problem in Mathews County. Again, Mr. Barrick has the expertise, the training and the commitment to aggressively set up local networks, while incorporating regional drug task force resources, to combat this plague on our society.

We encourage you to support Mr. Barrick on Nov. 8 with your vote.

Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Milby

Hallieford, Va.

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