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Letter: Balanced approach to energy wisest course

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I found Mr. John Phillips’ article (“Blended energy sourcing is a bridge to a greener future,” April 29 column) to be helpful and relevant to some of the energy issues that our local government is presently addressing with industrial-size solar facilities.
I became concerned when the Clean Energy Act was passed in Virginia and a goal of becoming 100 percent solar and wind dependent by 2050 was established. I have always seen solar and wind as a necessary but supplemental source of clean electrical energy.
I encourage our citizens to engage and learn about the zoning process as our local government works to address the many competing interests with solar power development. Developing a plan that benefits the community and takes into account the many objectives of governments, interest groups, regulators and private citizens is our challenge.
As with any energy source, solar has its advantages and disadvantages. I agree with Mr. Phillips that our future energy ne...

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