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Letter: Answered prayers

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I have been pro-life for many years. I have marched, written letters, manned information tables, held signs near abortion facilities, etc., in opposition to abortions (except for those to save the mother’s life). And, of course, I also prayed for our country to be rid of that abomination. Many others have done much more.
Things kept going from bad to worst and were incredibly bad during the last four years, with the only bright spot the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Now, the most pro-abortion president has been replaced by the most pro-life president, Donald Trump. He has already appointed many pro-lifers to high-level positions in his administration. I look forward to many pro-life bills being passed to replace the evil bills that support abortion. The U.S. may become a shining city on a hill again.
I thank God for answering my prayers, although they were probably also the prayers of most people who voted for President Trump. Maybe God will have a special blessi...

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