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Letter: An invitation to learn about the Y

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In a recent letter to the editor, Mr. Joe Syslo expressed his disagreement with county support of the Mathews Family YMCA campaign to build a new home for the Y as well as a county emergency shelter.
I was saddened that Mr. Syslo used “skullduggery” and “legerdemain” which Webster defines as “trickery” and “underhandedness” to describe the generous efforts of his neighbors to create a new home for the Y. Such words do little to promote a useful discussion. 
My first reaction to this letter was to write a point-by-point letter correcting the inaccuracies and inferences which underlie Mr. Syslo’s rationale. After further consideration, I realized there was such a wide disparity between his understanding of the Y mission, finances, and role in the county, that such a letter would do little to bridge the gap. Rather, I would like to offer Mr. Syslo the opportunity to learn about the Y first-hand, and why so...

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