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Letter: An invitation to join the pro-life movement

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
If you missed the Washington, D.C., March for Life on Jan. 24, you can still attend the Richmond Virginia March for Life. It will begin with a rally at the Capitol at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13.
You might be interested in becoming pro-life if you realize that it is a ministry to save lives and souls. We try to save the lives of unborn babies by convincing pregnant women to either keep and raise the baby, put the baby up for adoption, or give the baby to Safe Haven.
We try to save pregnant women because some die during an abortion. Others are damaged physically/mentally, resulting in lives of depression/regret/guilt, which can lead to drugs, alcoholism, failed marriages, etc.
We try to save souls by convincing women and the people who were their accomplices in abortions, to repent, confess and be forgiven by God so they don’t spend eternity in hell. The government says abortion isn’t a crime, but God says it is a grievous sin with a punishment o...

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