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Letter: American men

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am so happy for the men of America! For far too long they have been prejudiced against for employment and promotion, depicted as buffoons in the media and advertising, even maligned and shamed as “toxic” in their masculinity.
In the 1960s, only men were drafted and forced to fight in Vietnam, where thousands died. Those who fled to Canada or got college exemptions scoffed at and even spit on returning Vietnam vets. They considered themselves superior because they dodged the draft (a root of today’s baseless elitism). In the 1970s, feminists declared men to be unnecessary, replaceable with artificial insemination and Uncle Sam to provide financial support. In the ’80s and ’90s, feminist pressure in education increased favoring girls over boys in the classroom and disallowing rough play at recess. Females were classified as victims and males as oppressors. Holding the door for a woman was met with derision and a compliment from a man could mean a trip to HR. In...

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