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Letter: Am I missing something?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Looking toward Richmond, I’m asking myself, “Am I missing something?” Many are saying that by taking our guns, we’ll be better protected. Most mass shootings, especially the deadliest are in gun free zones where victims are defenseless.
They’re claiming the red flag law will help those tempted with suicide, so why did they pass another bill legitimizing suicide? Then, law enforcement would have no legal obligation or authority to help prevent such a tragedy.
What about the unborn? Most people I talk to will agree life begins at conception and the fetus is alive. If we terminate that life, aren’t we killing it? Since when does a woman or any individual have the choice to kill someone?
Hitler was pro-choice in that he chose to exterminate millions. If we allow this to continue, are we any better?  “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are ...

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