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Letter: Abortion is murder, Doctor Northam

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Don’t you just love Doctor Northam’s TV proclamations about our children? He cares about their education … their health … their future ... he even high-fives them and smiles. He will fight for them on our behalf with all the power the new office gives him.
Question: What about those innocent ones who are locked in a dark room? No one can hear them, so many don’t even know they are there. He has stated he will help even these—Doctor Northam will do everything in his power to help the one who has the key to that room.
The Doctor—the one who swore to protect life and be a life saver—will champion the key holder to silence that life. Well, let’s be honest—something we all want our leaders to be—the only way to silence those children’s voices is murder. Strong word, but Webster’s states that word means “to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.” Even sadder and more unbe...

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