Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Our opinions are shaped by what we see and what we hear. Facts, fake news and alternate facts are all a part of shaping our opinions as well. I get my information from TV and I read both the Gazette-Journal and the Daily Press, front to back.
We can share our opinions without questioning or attacking one’s character. In Mr. Truscott’s letter (“Courting the violent left,” July 27 Readers Write), he said I was deliberately deceitful about U.S. taxpayers and the border wall. Not true. Being deceitful is not in my character.
In my letter (“Whatever happens, Trump and the GOP own it,” July 20 Readers Write), I wrote that a $1.6 billion down payment for the wall would be paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. That information was in the Daily Press before I wrote my letter. It was again printed in the Daily Press on July 27, the same day Mr. Truscott’s letter was published in the Gazette-Journal. The title of the article was “...
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