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Letter: A violation of trust

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Since the beginning of the republic, politicians and newspaper publishers have, as a matter of routine, paid homage to the First Amendment. History is replete with discordant efforts by those very same supporters of free speech who have sought the aid of the courts to curb freedom of speech and thought. As Jefferson said, “freedom of the press (is) … the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions.”
Beginning in 2020, the government health regulators, in concert with much of the media, began a lockstep campaign to curb not only free speech but also many of our civil rights.
America was suddenly transformed into a censorship and surveillance police state. The sudden transformation of America into oppression was not due to the rise of an authoritarian regime or some foreign military power; instead, the medical establishment had usurped the Constitution and imposed severe restrictions upon activities of the people, as well as the economy of ...

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