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Letter: A successful Fall Bazaar

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

The members of Bethel United Methodist Church, Onemo, would like to thank the community and surrounding areas for their support in our Fall Bazaar last Saturday. A special thanks to our bazaar chairpersons Diane Callis and Lou Ann Diggs for organizing the event, and to our Pastor Chuck Winner for all his help in the setup.

To all those who donated money, food, baked goods, canned goods, crafts and equipment, it was greatly appreciated. We really enjoyed the music provided by Southern Friends and the children who attended were delighted to receive a balloon donated by Flowers from the Heart.

To all who came out the week prior to our event and setup, worked in the bazaar and did the cleanup, we are grateful to you. May God bless each and every one.

Diane Ball

Mathews, Va.

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