Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I, like all Americans, have been enjoying the drop of gas and oil prices. As your readers know, this is a real tax cut for all of us (the less you earn, the more it helps). Now the Left is screaming for a hike in the gas tax. That did not take long. Liberals know what to do with your money better than you! Despite the current POTUS trying to take credit for this drop in prices (he has restricted oil and gas exploration on federal lands, not opened them), America is soon to be the global leader in oil and gas production by 2018. This is being done on private and state lands. When combined with Canada’s and Mexico’s oil and gas resources, OPEC is soon to be out of business. If only the POTUS would sign the Keystone pipeline bill after the new Congress sends it to him, but we all know that Obama will not unless he is forced (a veto override). He is still pandering to his base, despite science and common sense to the contrary.
I once listened to a numbe...
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