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Letter: A most generous community

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Mathews Department of Social Services wishes to thank all of you in the community who contributed to the annual Christmas Store, the Adopt a Family program or provided other assistance to families in need during this holiday season.
The Christmas Store served 595 people this year; that is 50 more than last year, which is amazing! There were 28 families “adopted” through churches, civic associations and individuals in the county. We had a special contribution of gift cards for a dinner from an area business and there were 23 food baskets provided to our families.
The ever-faithful volunteers showed up to load, carry and set up thousands of items stored in our attic for the Christmas Store, which was held at Kingston Parish House on Dec. 11 and 12. These volunteers are from organizations and associations all throughout the county and are of nearly every age group and denomination. Some came representing churches, some their place of work and other...

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