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Letter: A matter of faith

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I read with considerable interest and appreciation the opinion piece by Joel Emerson (“My hero is Jesus,” Dec. 5 Readers Write). I am confident that many readers of the Gazette-Journal related to the sentiments expressed by Mr. Emerson.
In particular, I was very interested in his reference to near-death experiences and his personal connection to the confirmation of the reality of the teaching of Christ. With advances in medical science, it is now possible to revive many who would otherwise have departed this life. The accounts of those who have experienced near death and subsequently related their experience are in evidenced by the volumes of published works now available at almost any bookstore. Of particular interest are the near-death experiences as related by young children, as a child expresses the essence of their experience in a compellingly innocent manner with a positiveness usually lacking in such reports from adults.
The many comprehensive reports of...

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