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Letter: A low performer

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
As the 118th Congress enters its final days, we can all be thankful that the country has survived so far. Called the “do-nothingest” Congress since 1860 (the onset of the Civil War), the current Congress has accomplished the bare minimum to keep the government going. That they have accomplished anything at all is only because House Democrats have bailed out Speaker Mike Johnson, who has no ability to garner enough Republican votes to pass anything of import.
The major Republican project of the two-year session was to try to impeach Joe Biden, based on “evidence” provided by Russian operatives. They finally gave up when it became clear to all that there was no such evidence. One of the many policy missteps of the House Republicans was bowing to the dictates of Donald Trump to not take up the bipartisan border bill developed in the Senate, so that Trump could run again on his lies about immigration.
Our Congressman, Rob Wittman, generally has gone along with the ...

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