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Letter: A loathsome crime

Editor, Gazette Journal:
I write this letter with mixed emotions, but feel it must be penned. This past Friday, I went to Providence Cemetery on East River Road in Mathews to deliver the spring flowers to my families’ plot and was saddened my winter flowers were missing, taken in the past two weeks. Each season I make new or refurbish the previous year’s saddles for my parents’, brother’s and grandparents’ headstones.
This tradition has been done in my family since my brother’s passing in 1983. My mother faithfully did this for our family until her sudden passing in 2005 and now the honor is mine. In 31 years, we have never had this happen, although I know many families who have from cemeteries all over the county, and it hurts each family affected.
I have heard from various persons, that most of the time the theft of cemetery flowers is done for resale at yard sales. This is so sad that someone would have such disregard for a person’s final re...

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