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Letter: A lack of sympathy and good manners

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I remember well how very soon after the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001 that foreign leaders, including Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, came to our country in a show of solidarity against terrorism and moral support for our country. All over the world, citizens of foreign nations gathered in synchronicity in their own countries to light candles and sing our national anthem. It was a faith-affirming moment for humanity.
As an American, I am ashamed that our own president failed to attend the recent anti-terrorism rally in Paris, or even send an appropriate member of his administration, in the wake of a barbaric terrorist assault against freedom of speech. This egregious lack of sympathy and good manners is appalling and quite telling.
He has consistently employed political correctness and conciliation as a means of dealing with jihadists, which to me signals where his sympathies truly lie and, to them, must surely signal a green light for further assault...

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