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Letter: A call for politicians to stop calling

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

We really do have an out-of-control government. There are many reasons for this, but one very large reason is politicians exempt themselves from rules that others must follow.

The first, in-your-face example for me was Kennedy-Kopechne. There have been many sad examples since. Most disheartening, these people continue to be reelected. Since we can’t change that, the problem for us, as voters and citizens, is to find a way to force politicians to live by the same rules as the rest of us.

One small but very annoying way they exempt themselves from rules others must follow is having an exception to the "do not call" list for political messages.

I suggest a pledge that politicians could sign or not sign. It could be called the equality under the law pledge. Here is what it would say: As a candidate for office, and if elected your representative, I pledge to honor the intent of the "do not call" list by not calling you if you are ...

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