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Letter: A bad precedent

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing in regards to the deeding of the Confederate monument to the Sons of the Confederacy.
I believe if the Mathews Board of Supervisors moved forward with this action, it would set a bad precedent.
There is a monument on the old Court Green honoring the soldiers who defeated Lord Dunmore at Cricket Hill. It was placed there by the Daughters of the American Revolution. At their request, would you deed this plot of land to them?
There is a monument on the new Court Green honoring the soldiers and sailors who died in World War I, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War. It was dedicated by the American Legion. At their request, would you deed this plot of land to them?
When you give up ownership of land, then you have no control of what is done to it. An example of this is Williams Wharf and the unfinished structure which has been incomplete for many years. We have no idea when this structure will be completed. This is what can occur when you deed county...

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