The American Legion Gloucester Post 75 held a dinner reception recently to honor its 2011 participants in Boys State, Girls State and Junior Law Cadet programs. William Kossler, Post 75 Adjutant, said 82 family members, students and Legionnaires attended the dinner.
Kossler said those who attended Boys State were Patrick Bains, John Gailing, Christopher Morgan, William Price and James Weisel, while those who attended Girls State were Vanessa Gray, Analise Wallick, Victoria Gordon and Elizabeth Kenerley.
He said Donna L. DeBaun, Tyler Buquor, Melissa L. Brown, Dreux A. Elliot II, John Raha, Arthur A Henderson and Yakira R. Goins attended the Virginia State/American Legion Junior Law Cadet Program.
After the dinner, Kossler said Boys State and Girls State delegates spoke of their weeklong course in government on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, where the students established a mythical state patterned on that of Virginia—electing their own state, county and ci...
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