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LEGAL NOTICE The Mathews County Planning Commission hereby gives notice that on March 11, 2025 at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, Historic Courthouse located at 27 Court St., Mathews, Virginia, the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will hold a joint public hearing, as follows: Application #202401231: Request by Mark & Elaine Sopko (Property Owners) and Joseph M. Perdue (Applicant), for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Section §175-5.3 (B) (2), of the Mathews County Zoning Ordinance, to allow for a grass field runway, which is classified as an Aviation Facility. The subject property is located at the corner of State Route 14 and Fickle Fen Road, Mathews, VA 23109. The property is identified as Tax Map Parcel 20-A-9 and is zoned Rural (R-U). Application #202401245: Request by Alandus Jermaine Ware, for a Rezoning District Change pursuant to Section §175-19.3 of the Mathews County Zoning Ordinance, to rezone property ID 26A2-7-2C located at 10541 Buckley Hall Rd from Village Mixed Use (VMU) to Business 2 (B-2). Text Amendment: #202500046: Modify the definition of Major Utility Use in §175-2.2 to add that ground mounted solar farms/solar arrays are excluded from the definition. The applications, supporting documentation and Ordinances are on file in the Department of Planning and Zoning, County Administration Building, 50 Brickbat Road, Mathews, Virginia, Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Any written correspondence or telephone inquiries concerning these matters should be directed to the Office of Planning & Zoning, P.O. Box 839, Mathews, VA 23109, (804) 725-4034. Those people with physical disabilities who require assistance in order to participate in the hearings may request such assistance by contacting the Office of Planning & Zoning. 9t1
MATHEWS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING BUDGET AMENDMENT The Mathews County Board of Supervisors hereby gives notice that at a special meeting on March 13, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter, the public may be heard, at the Historic Courthouse located at 27 Court St., Mathews, Virginia, the Mathews County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing, as follows: Public Hearing: To amend the FY2024-25 budget to add $805,788 to the budget from the $5 million dollar Interim Financing established with Davenport for: 1.The purchase of real property located at 498 Church Street, Mathews Virginia for the purpose of a fire station for $575,000. 2.Additional Equipment and replacement equipment for the Radio project – $153,613. 3.VDOT High School sidewalk project matching funds for design work $77,175. The total adopted FY2024-45 budget is $39,975,836; the new proposed total of the FY2024-25 budget would be $40,781,624. Copies of the proposed budget amendment, as well as the current FY2024-25 budget, can be obtained by contacting the Mathews County Administration Building, P.O. Box 839, Mathews, VA 23109, or emailed to mcadministration@mathewscountyva.gov (804)725-7172. Any person requiring assistance to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Administration office at 804-384-9924 in advance so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 9t2
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GLOUCESTER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Gloucester County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Colonial Courthouse, located at 6504 Main Street, Gloucester, Virginia on Thursday, March 6, 2025 beginning at 6:30 PM to consider the following: Code Amendment CA-25-01 – A proposed amendment to Gloucester County Code Appendix B Zoning, Article 10 Nonconformities, Section 10-4 Nonconforming structures and/or uses of land, Article 12 Signs, Section 12-6 Signs permitted, Article 14 Administrative procedures, Sections 14-2 Rezoning and 14-3 Conditional Use Permits, and Article 15 Enforcement, Section 15-2 Contents of application for zoning permits. The purpose of the amendment to Article 10, Section 10-4, is to allow the replacement of nonconforming residential manufactured homes and mobile homes in the B-1 District with another single-family home or a manufactured home. Amendments to Article 12, Section 12-6 are to clarify the setbacks for signs in the B-2 Village District. Amendments to Article 14, Sections 14-2 Rezonings and 14-3 Conditional Use Permits, are to remove a conflict with Section 3-2 that sets forth when a rezoning becomes effective (immediately upon adoption of the ordinance approving the rezoning or when otherwise indicated in the ordinance) and that Gloucester County staff is responsible for the recordation of Conditional Use Permits (CUPs). Amendments to Article 15, Section 15-2 Contents of application for zoning permits, removes the requirement for setbacks to be shown on the plot plan submitted by applicants. All interested parties are invited to study the proposed zoning changes and attend the hearing to express their views. Information pertaining to this amendment is available and may be reviewed in the Gloucester County Planning Department located at 6489 Main Street, Gloucester, Virginia or on the department’s website at www.gloucesterva.info/planning. Persons requiring assistance to attend the hearing should contact the Department of Planning & Zoning at (804) 693-1224 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. John C. Meyer, Jr., Chairman Gloucester County Planning Commission 8t2
Public Notice – Environmental Permit PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the release of industrial wastewater into a waterbody in Gloucester County, Virginia. PERMIT NO.: VA0078778 NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY: Gloucester County Water Treatment Plant, 8214 Reservoir Ridge Rd., Gloucester, VA 23061. DEQ CONTACT: Ben Cunningham, (804) 659-2686, Benjamin.Cunningham@deq.virginia.gov, DEQ Central Office, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218. The full public notice is available at https://www.deq.virginia.gov/permits/public-notices/water/surface-waters-vpdes. 9t2
Trustee’s Sale of 103 Maryus Road\tab\tab Hayes, Virginia 23072-4130 In execution of a Deed of Trust dated August 25, 2022, recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court, Gloucester County, as Instrument Number 220004910, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction the property described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, being known and designated ALL THAT certain tract or parcel of land together with rights of way, improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being in York Magisterial District, Gloucester County, Virginia, containing 1.2962 acres more or less according to and designated as Parcel “A” on plat of survey entitled “PLAT SHOWING SURVEY AND DIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE LAND OF JENNINGS C. & HELENA JENKINS BEING LOCATED IN THE YORK DISTRICT OF GLOUCESTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA,” made by C.F. Dawson, C.L.S. Dawson and Phillips, P.C., Certified Land Surveyors, dated October 8, 1990 and duly recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Gloucester, Virginia, in Clerk’s Plat Book 22, Page 249 and in Clerk’s Plat Book 22, Page 386 and to which plat of survey reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said tract or parcel of land. Sale shall take place on March 5, 2025, at 12:00 noon at the front entrance of the Circuit Court building, Gloucester County, Virginia. Sale shall be subject to an existing prior deed of trust and all other matters of record lawfully affecting the title to the property. The property will be sold “as is” without any guaranty or representation as to the condition or title and will be subject to such other terms and conditions as may be announced at the sale. The successful bidder may be required to deposit 10% of the sale price in cash or by cashier’s or certified check at the time his bid is accepted. Settlement in full shall take place within 10 days of sale and shall be in cash or by cashier’s or certified check. M. RICHARD EPPS, P.C., Substitute Trustee FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: M. Richard Epps, P.C., Substitute Trustee 605 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 100 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-498-9600 8t2