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ABANDONED WATERCRAFT Notice is hereby given that the following watercraft has been abandoned for more than 60 days on the property of Perrindise Marina & Club, 9737 Cooks Landing Rd., Hayes, VA 23072. PH: 804-642-6177. Description of watercraft: 32′ 1988 Carver HIN: CDRN00261889 Reg: 956537. Application for watercraft registration/title will be made in accordance with Section 29.1-733.25 of the Code of Virginia if this watercraft is not claimed and removed within 30 days of first publication of this notice. Please contact the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources with questions. 2t3
GLOUCESTER COUNTY Chesapeake Bay Preservation and Erosion Commission Meeting: Notice is hereby given of a Gloucester County Chesapeake Bay Preservation and Erosion Commission hearing to be held Wednesday, February 12, 2025, immediately following the Wetlands Board meeting, which begins at 6:30p.m. The meeting will be held in the Colonial Courthouse, Court Circle, Gloucester, Virginia. All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and express their views on these matters. Citizen comments may also be submitted prior to the public hearing by two different methods: An online form is available on the County’s website at: www.gloucesterva.gov/citizencomment. Please follow the instructions on the form to indicate your comments are for this specific public hearing. Comments may be submitted by US Mail to County Administration, ATTN: PUBLIC HEARING, 6489 Main Street, Gloucester, VA 23061. Any mailed comments must include your name, your magisterial district, and the title of this public hearing clearly printed at the top, and all such comments must be received by the scheduled date of this hearing. Please type or print all comments legibly. Comments submitted through one of these methods prior to the public hearing must be received by the County no later than close of business on February 12, 2025, and will be read during the public hearing. “Form letters,” consisting of communications which are verbatim duplicates (other than the identifying information of the author/submitter) of one or more other communications received by the County pertaining to the matter to be considered at the public hearing or public comment period, shall be read only once per letter, along with the list of persons submitting the same comments pursuant to such “form letter.” The following applications seeking a buffer modification to the required 100-foot resource protection area will be heard by the Chesapeake Bay Preservation & Erosion Commission: CBPEC 24-41 – seeking authorization for encroachment into the 100′ buffer to construct a driveway across Cow Creek to access adjacent property at Tax Map 26D(1)-2-2 in Gloucester County, Virginia. CBPEC 24-47 – seeking authorization for encroachment into the 100′ buffer to construct an 8’x20′ pergola at Tax Map 38J(10)-7 in Gloucester County, Virginia. CBPEC 24-48 – seeking authorization for encroachment into the 100′ buffer to relocate existing easement at Tax Map 45-281 in Gloucester County, Virginia. Interested parties are invited to attend the meetings. Applications may be reviewed in the Environmental Programs Office, 6489 Main Street – Suite 235, during regular business hours. Walter Priest, Chairman Gloucester County Wetlands Board Chesapeake Bay Preservation & Erosion Commission 4t2
GLOUCESTER COUNTY Environmental Department Gloucester County Wetlands Board Meeting: Notice is hereby given of a Gloucester County Wetlands Board hearing to be held Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Colonial Courthouse, Court Circle, Gloucester, Virginia. All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and express their views. Citizen comments may also be submitted prior to the public hearing by two different methods: An online form is available on the County’s website at: www.gloucesterva.gov/citizencomment. Please follow the instructions on the form to indicate your comments are for this specific public hearing. Comments may be submitted by US Mail to County Administration, ATTN: PUBLIC HEARING, 6489 Main Street, Gloucester, VA 23061. Any mailed comments must include your name, your magisterial district, and the title of this public hearing clearly printed at the top, and all such comments must be received by the scheduled date of this hearing. Please type or print all comments legibly. Comments submitted through one of these methods prior to the public hearing must be received by the County no later than close of business on February 12, 2025, and will be read during the public hearing. “Form letters,” consisting of communications which are verbatim duplicates (other than the identifying information of the author/submitter) of one or more other communications received by the County pertaining to the matter to be considered at the public hearing or public comment period, shall be read only once per letter, along with the list of persons submitting the same comments pursuant to such “form letter.” The following application will be heard by the Wetlands Board: VMRC 25-0008 – Christopher Cruz seeking authorization for the construction of two stone breakwaters, stone spur breakwater, stone sill, sand nourishment, and plantings at Tax Map 47-88D in Gloucester County, Virginia. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. Applications may be reviewed in the Environmental Programs Office, 6489 Main Street – Suite 235, during regular business hours. Walter Priest, Chairman Gloucester County Wetlands Board Chesapeake Bay Preservation & Erosion Commission. 4t2
LEGAL NOTICE The Mathews County Planning Commission hereby gives notice that on February 11, 2025 at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, Historic Courthouse located at 27 Court St., Mathews, Virginia, the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will hold a joint public hearing, as follows: Application #202401231: Request by Mark & Elaine Sopko (Property Owners) and Joseph M. Perdue (Applicant), for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Section §175-5.3 (B) (2), of the Mathews County Zoning Ordinance, to allow for a grass field runway, which is classified as an Aviation Facility. The subject property is located at the corner of State Route 14 and Fickle Fen Road, Mathews, VA 23109. The property is identified as Tax Map Parcel 20-A-9 and is zoned Rural (R-U). Application #202401245: Request by Alandus Jermaine Ware, for a Rezoning District Change pursuant to Section §175-19.3 of the Mathews County Zoning Ordinance, to rezone property ID 26A2-7-2C located at 10541 Buckley Hall Rd from Village Mixed Use (VMU) to Business 2 (B-2). Text Amendment: #202500046: Request by Mathews County Staff to change §175-2.2 the definition of Utility Use, Major from: A structure or facility that is a relatively major component of an infrastructure system providing community- or region-wide utility services. Examples of major utility uses include potable water treatment plants, water towers, wastewater treatment plants, solid waste facilities, gas compressor stations, energy generating facilities that produce electricity for use off-site, and electrical substations. To: A structure or facility that is a relatively major component of an infrastructure system providing community- or region-wide utility services. Examples of major utility uses include potable water treatment plants, water towers, wastewater treatment plants, solid waste facilities, gas compressor stations, energy generating facilities that produce electricity for use off-site (excluding ground mounted solar farms/solar arrays), and electrical substations. Also requested by Mathews County Staff to change §175-10.3 (I) for conditional use for Utility Use, Major from: Utility use, major (Specific uses identified as by right included in the definition of “utility use, major” shall be exempt from obtaining a conditional use permit). To: Utility use, major. This change would match verbiage to all other zoning districts relating to conditional use permits for utility use, major. The applications, supporting documentation and Ordinances are on file in the Department of Planning and Zoning, County Administration Building, 50 Brickbat Road, Mathews, Virginia, Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Any written correspondence or telephone inquiries concerning these matters should be directed to the Office of Planning & Zoning, P.O. Box 839, Mathews, VA 23109, (804) 725-4034. Those persons with physical disabilities requiring assistance in order to participate in the hearings may request such assistance by contacting the Office of Planning & Zoning. 4t1
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GLOUCESTER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Gloucester County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Colonial Courthouse, located at 6504 Main Street, Gloucester, Virginia on February 6, 2025 beginning at 6:30 PM to consider the following: Conditional Use Permit CUP-24-02 – An application by Aberdene Aquatic, LLC (property owner) to allow TM 37-49 (RPC #12871) to be used as a Working Waterfront Marina through a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The CUP is intended to provide for uses which, due to their unique characteristics or potential impact on adjacent land uses, are not permitted in certain zoning districts by-right, but may be acceptable under certain circumstances and with specific conditions to offset potential impacts. The application proposes to allow for the establishment of a Working Waterfront Marina on TM 37-49 (RPC #12871), located at the end of Aberdeen Creek Road (SR 632), in the Abingdon Magisterial District. This parcel is located in the SF-1 (Single Family) Zoning District and Marinas are permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the SF-1 district. This district is intended to “preserve existing residential areas and provide for future areas of similar character” while allowing for certain additional uses. The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Rural Residential as well as a Working Waterfront. The Rural Residential designation contains rural areas with low-density residential development served by secondary roads while encouraging the continuance of traditional uses. Working Waterfronts, as identified on the Future Land Use Map, are recognized as a part of Gloucester’s culture, history, and economy and the Comprehensive Plan desires for them to continue into the future (or be reestablished through the CUP process in reasonable circumstances) while recognizing that this may inherently create conflicts with nearby residential development. The CUP process is meant to provide conditions on any approval to mitigate impacts associated with the use. Staff and the applicant are finalizing various Conditions of Approval for the Planning Commission to consider, including a maximum number of boat slips and floating piers, screening from adjacent residential properties, dredging responsibility around the applicant’s piers and property, hours of operation, requiring a site plan for the development, and a phasing schedule for development. The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors may require additional conditions as they deem necessary based on their review of the application and input from the public. The preceding is a summary, not the full text, of the application. It is not intended to be a comprehensive representation of the full application and does not substitute for the full text of the application, which is available for review in the Gloucester County Department of Planning, Zoning & Environmental Programs located at 6489 Main Street, Gloucester, Virginia or on the department’s website at www.gloucesterva.info/planning. The meeting will be broadcast live through the County website meeting portal at: https://www.gloucesterva.info/640/Meeting-Portal and on Cox channel 48. All interested parties are invited to express their views on this matter. Citizen comments may also be submitted prior to the public hearing by three different methods: An online form is available on the County’s website at: www.gloucesterva.info/citizencomment. Please follow the instructions on the form to indicate your comments are for this specific public hearing. Comments may also be submitted by calling and leaving a message at 804-824-2760. Follow the prompts to leave comments for this specific public hearing, and clearly indicate your name (including spelling if needed) and your magisterial district. Finally, comments may be submitted by US Mail to County Administration, ATTN: PUBLIC HEARING, 6489 Main Street, Gloucester, VA 23061. Any mailed comments must include your name, your magisterial district, and the title of this public hearing clearly printed at the top. Please type or print all comments legibly. Comments submitted through one of these methods prior to the public hearing must be received by the County no later than 4:30 PM on February 6, 2025 and will be read or played during the public hearing. “Form letters,” consisting of communications which are verbatim duplicates (other than the identifying information of the author/submitter) of one or more other communications received by the County pertaining to the matter to be considered at the public hearing or public comment period, shall be read only once per letter, along with the list of persons submitting the same comments pursuant to such “form letter.” Persons requiring assistance to attend the hearing should contact the Department of Planning, Zoning & Environmental Programs at (804) 693-1224 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. John C. Meyer, Jr., Chairman Gloucester County Planning Commission 4t2
ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE $8.01-316 GLOUCESTER COUNTY J&DR JUVENILE Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Commonwealth of Virginia, in re NORRIS STARKS, CALEB KOLE CYNTHIA NORRIS v. ARTIS TREVON STARKS Case No. JJ016461-05-00 The object of this suit is to: DETERMINE CUSTODY AND VISITATION OF CALEB KOLE NORRIS STARKS (DOB 7/26/2015). It is ORDERED that ARTIS TREVON STARKS appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before 03/10/2025 at 09:00 AM. Dated 12/30/2024 Betsy Barnett, SDP Deputy Clerk 1t4
ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 Gloucester County J&DR – Juvenile Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Commonwealth of Virginia, in re ANDERSON, KEVIN LEE, JR Case No. JJ018107-01-00;02-00 The object of this suit is to get custody of KEVIN ANDERSON, DOB 5-20-2020. It is ORDERED that CHEYANNE FOURNEY appear at the above-named Court and protect her interests on or before 03/31/2025 at 9 a.m. Entered 01/13/2025 Jade Sprague 3t4
ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 Gloucester County J&DR – Juvenile Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Commonwealth of Virginia, in re ANDERSON, LORRAINE DOLORES Case No. JJ018106-01-00;02-00 The object of this suit is to get custody of LORRAINE ANDERSON, DOB 8-15-2021 It is ORDERED that CHEYANNE FOURNEY appear at the above-named Court and protect her interests on or before 03/31/2025 at 9 a.m. Entered 01/13/2025 Jade Sprague 3t4
ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 Gloucester County J&DR – Juvenile Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Commonwealth of Virginia, in re ANDERSON, ROMAN WAYNE Case No. JJ018105-01-00;02-00 The object of this suit is to get custody of ROMAN ANDERSON, DOB 01-13-2023. It is ORDERED that CHEYANNE FOURNEY appear at the above-named Court and protect her interests on or before 03/31/2025 at 9 a.m. Entered 01/13/2025 Jade Sprague 3t4
ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE §8.01-316 Gloucester County J&DR -Juvenile Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Commonwealth of Virginia, in re WINSTON, ALYSSA ELIZABETH Case No. JJ014115-15-01;16-01 The object of this suit is to: Amend custody/visitation of Alyssa Winston, 4/6/2010. It is ORDERED that JOSHUA WINSTON appear at the above-named Court and protect his interests on or before 03/21/2025 at 09:00 AM. Entered: 01/13/2025 Jade Sprague Dep. Clerk 3t4
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr. Gary Johnson (VMRC #2024-2827) is requesting a permit from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to install a 10-foot timber spur on an existing groin at 5866 York Haven West Drive in Gloucester County. You may provide comments on this application (VMRC #2024-2827) at https://webapps.mrc.virginia.gov/public/habitat/comments/. We will accept comments by the USPS provided they are received within 15 days of this notice to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 380 Fenwick Road, Bldg. 96, Hampton, VA 23651. 4t1
PUBLISHING NOTICE Owner: Pointers Country Mart, LLC Trading as: Pointers Country Mart 6911 Ark Road Gloucester, VA 23061 The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) AUTHORITY for a Retail Beer and Wine – Off license to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages. Bharat Ravindra Patel, Member NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.gov or (800) 552-3200. 3t2
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Updated Weight Limits on VA Bridges and Culverts JAN2025