The American Legion Department of Virginia, in concert with the Virginia State Police, held its 31st annual Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program at the State Police Academy in Richmond. Gloucester Post 75 sponsored three students from the Gloucester High School NJROTC program—Charles VanFossen II, Kiley Pryor and Cabot Call. Pryor received the Counselors Award for Outstanding Cadet and Call received the Male Physical Fitness Award. “Although the numbers were reduced this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, it was a great time for all and I was honored to be a counselor for my sixth year,” Post 75 Adjutant Rick Ward said. Capt. N.E. Merkle (USCG-ret.), the Senior Naval Science Instructor for the GHS NJROTC program, was among those in attendance at Friday’s graduation. Shown here are, from left, VanFossen, Pryor, Call and Ward.
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