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Lady Dukes 2-0 in field hockey

The 2011 field hockey season at Gloucester High School is in full swing and the varsity Lady Dukes have two wins on the season thus far. The Dukes are led by coaches Mike Miller and Signey Milks along with team captains Hannah Joyce, Morgan Reed, Breanna Fox and Amathyst Macey. These seniors helped to prepare the team for its kickoff games against Poquoson and Jamestown.

Gloucester faced off with the Islanders of Poquoson on Aug. 24 and came out on top, 5-1. Three goals were made by Joyce and sophomore Hannah Wilburn contributed a pair. Assists were credited to sophomores Emily Beamer and Courtnie Green, who had one each.

The Dukes came out strong, holding off Poquoson’s offense until the second half. The Gloucester girls controlled the game, delivering 24 shots on goal versus only a single shot by the Islanders.

After a boost from that win on the road, the Dukes hosted Jamestown last Thursday. Gloucester went on the field with a fire not to be beat on their own turf. In ...

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