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Labor Day Scramble

The Labor Day Scramble tournament was held on Monday, Sept. 5, at the Piankatank River Golf Club. Jerry Duke and Chris Anderson (left photo from left) were first-place winners in the first flight with a score of 32, followed by Peyton Lambert and Buzz Lambert (second place, 34) and Kyle McNamee and Brenden Rivenbark (third place, 35). James Ewan and John Paul Ewan (middle photo from left) won the second flight with a score of 38. Matt Haund and Kevin Shiflett took second and Robert Carmine and Mike Carmine placed third, also with scores of 38. Larry and Kay Lloyd (right photo from left) won the mixed flight with a score of 34. Jim and Suzanne Wright came in second (35) and Joel Vedelli and Christy Pitts (36) placed third.

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