Kingston Episcopal Parish invites the public to visit its outdoor Community Labyrinth during the Lenten season. The Labyrinth, open every day from sunrise to sunset, is located on the lawn of Kingston Parish Chapel, 370 Main Street, Mathews.
The labyrinth is a series of concentric lines, forming a spiral path, which leads from a beginning point to the center and back out again. This sacred path symbolizes a journey inward, offering an opportunity for contemplation, meditation and self-reflection, a release said. During the Lenten season, the path offers a symbolic pilgrimage into the wilderness.
“We invite you to include the Labyrinth in your Lenten observance and walk the Labyrinth each week during Lent,” a release said. “Weekly meditations, written to guide you on your Lenten Labyrinth walks, are located in the mail box next to the Labyrinth’s entrance. Though they are available for everyone, the meditations are not necessary in order to experience the labyrinth.”
Labyrinths have bee...
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