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July is Lost Pet Prevention Month

One in every three pets will go missing during their lifetime. Pets are family, so it can be devastating if they are lost. July is Lost Pet Prevention Month, so be aware of ways you can prevent man’s best friend from getting lost, and the steps you can take if you ever need to locate a missing furry family member.
When you let your pets outside, make sure they are in a securely fenced-in yard or on a leash. When taking your pet for a walk, keep them leashed at all times, even if they are good at listening to voice commands. Even the most well-trained dogs may forget their training and bolt if they hear loud or unexpected noises.
Immediately after your pet goes missing, take a walk around the immediate area and speak to any neighbors, postal service workers, landscapers, or anyone who may have seen your pet. You know your pet best, so look in areas that your pet may have been interested in or comfortable hiding in. Most pets are found close to home. Put a couple of your pet’s favorite i...

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