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IRS to offer Direct File as permanent option

Following a successful filing season pilot and feedback from a variety of partners, the Internal Revenue Service announced last week that it will make Direct File a permanent option for filing federal tax returns starting in the 2025 tax season.
The agency is exploring ways to expand Direct File to make more taxpayers eligible in the 2025 filing season and beyond by examining options to broaden Direct File’s availability across the nation, including covering more tax situations and inviting all states to partner with Direct File next year.
The IRS plans to announce additional details on the 2025 expansion in the coming months.
The decision follows a limited pilot during the 2024 filing season, where 140,803 taxpayers in 12 states filed their taxes using Direct File. The IRS, terming the pilot successfully, said it closely analyzed data collected during the pilot, held numerous meetings with diverse groups of stakeholders and gathered feedback from individual Direct File users, state of...

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