Contractors for Hampton Roads Sanitation District are installing a pipeline across Main Street at the intersection with Route 14 in Gloucester Court House, which will cause some changes in traffic patterns there during the next week or so.
Nancy L. Munnikhuysen, a spokesman for HRSD, said work began Monday night to install a six-inch ductile iron sanitary sewer pipeline at the busy Gloucester village intersection. She said that T.A. Sheets Mechanical Contractors, Inc., of Norfolk is coordinating the pipeline job. The main feature of the project is to construct a sanitary sewer force main system to carry Mathews sanitary district wastewater through Gloucester, via pipeline, to an HRSD treatment facility in York County.
The Main Street project will require that the northbound lane of Main Street at the Route 14 intersection close to through traffic from 9 p.m. Monday-Friday this week and reopen at 6 a.m. the following day. Then the contractor will begin to install pipe across the s...
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