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How to create an effective fire safety plan

(Metro) While fire can provide warmth and safety, it also can cause immediate and significant damage that can uproot lives and devastate homes. Because fire is such a formidable foe, it’s imperative that people from all walks of life have a fire safety plan.
How quickly fire can spread may surprise some people. The Grand Traverse Metro Fire Department says that in the average two-story home fire, fire ignites in 30 seconds, smoke pours into most rooms by 2.5 minutes, and roughly 4.5 minutes after the fire has ignited, flames can be visible from the exterior of a house. Temperatures inside can grow from 190°F to more than 1400°F in two minutes.
Planning is critical
When fires ignite, time is of the essence to make a fast evacuation. Unfortunately, panic may set in and people may not know how to act when under such acute stress. That’s why planning for the event of fire can provide families with the information they need to evacuate safely. Evacuation plans and drills should be establish...

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