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Holly Point Nature Park to celebrate 20th anniversary

The Holly Point Nature Park, the natural, botanical setting for the Deltaville Maritime Museum, will have a 20th anniversary reception from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday in the Turner Courtyard. The public is invited.
The keynote speaker, Master Naturalist Luann Johnson, will talk about native plantings in Virginia.
The Virginia Master Naturalist program is a statewide corps of volunteers who provide education, outreach, and service on the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas in their communities, said a press release.
Also speaking will be Becky Ferrell who, as one of the museum’s founders, started the Children’s Garden, wrote Nature Girl columns, and was a member of the first “Gardenerd” group at the park. She will talk about the early days.
There will be games for children under the direction of Karen Minter. Cake and ice cream and bottled water will be served after the talks. For more information, visit or call 804-776-7200.

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