The Hester Real Estate team consists of Leanne Hester, who established the team in 2013, her daughter Elissa Hester, the first to join her, and Randi Snyder, the newest member.
All work under the umbrella of Liz Moore & Associates, 11801 Canon Boulevard, Suite 100, Newport News.
Leanne Hester
Leanne Hester began her real estate career in 2013, from a start in marketing and travel logistics, and has been an award-winning agent since 2014.
A full-time agent, she said that she “is passionate about real estate” and “stays on top of all the new marketing trends as well as all legal aspects of real estate.”
She welcomes the challenge of all buyers’ and sellers’ needs, including land, new construction, farms, waterfront homes, investment properties, military relocations, etc.
A resident of Gloucester, Hester said she is blessed to have good agents.
Elissa Shay Hester
Leanne’s daughter, Elissa Shay Hester “joined the Hester Real Estate Team in 2019, but I’ve been on the Heste...
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