Residents will get a chance to speak their minds on Monday night about Gloucester’s $108.4 million proposed FY 2012 budget.
The public hearing on the budget, proposed tax levies and the county’s four-year capital improvement plan will begin at 7 p.m. in the Gloucester High School auditorium. Supervisors are expected to adopt the budget on April 26.
The proposed budget is balanced with a real estate tax rate of 58 cents and a personal property tax rate of $2.60, both per $100 of assessed value, figures that remain unchanged from the current rates.
However, supervisors voted by a 5-2 margin last month to advertise a real estate tax rate of 61 cents, a three-cent increase, for the sole purpose of allowing flexibility if there is public outcry during Monday’s public hearing for a service or initiative that is not included in the proposed budget.
County Administrator Brenda Garton had also suggested that the board advertise a $2.60 tax rate on boats not solely us...
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