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Hall, Marble honored with memorial garden

Sanders, a retirement community in Gloucester Court House, and Gloucester Rotary Club have teamed up to establish a memorial garden for lifelong Gloucester residents Robert “Bob” Marble and James Ellis Hall, who lived to 95 and 104, respectively.
Barbara Weldon, Sanders Marketing Director, was originally seeking to establish a memorial garden on the Sanders campus. After teaming up with the Gloucester Rotary Club, the two organizations decided to do something a bit bigger.
The memorial is now going to be in front of Edge Hill Shopping Center on Main Street in full public view to celebrate these two founding members of the Rotary club.
“Mr. Hall loved sitting outside,” said Weldon.
Nathan Eichenlaub of Ike’s Landscape and Pest Management designed the garden and donated that design to Sanders and the Rotarians.
Gloucester High School Construction Tech teacher Tim Extine and his students built planters for the memorial garden. The materials were provided by the Rotary Club. Brent & Be...

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