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Guinea Heritage Association awards 2024 scholarships

Thanks to a generous donation by the Kenneth & Patricia A. Hall Charitable Foundation, the Guinea Heritage Association was able to award five scholarships in 2024 to the following graduates of Gloucester High School.

The $5,000 Kenneth A. Hall Scholarship was awarded to Aura Griggs. Griggs plans to attend the University of Lynchburg to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing. As a nurse, she would like to focus on neonatal care.

The $1,000 C.B. Rowe Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Ailin Harpole. Harpole graduated with honors from Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School and Gloucester High School. She plans to attend the University of Rhode Island to study Environmental Education and Natural Resource Economics.

The $1,000 Sisson Technological Scholarship was awarded to Kamryn McDonough. McDonough, in addition to her high school diploma, received her Certified Nursing Assistant certification. She will attend East Carolina University to major in nursing and plans on becoming a Ce...

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