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GREA to hold holiday Zoom meeting today

In spite of the obstacles COVID-19 has placed in the way of maintaining social contacts and organizational relationships, the Gloucester Retired Educators Association has pressed on. The group set up its September meeting on Zoom and now looks forward to seeing many of the members in a meeting to be held on Zoom at 11 o’clock today, Thursday, Dec. 3.
Musical programs have always been a part of the December GREA meeting, said a press release, including the past couple of years, when the Gloucester High School choir walked to the DAV Hall on Short Lane to attend.
This year, the GREA plans to include several musical groups in the Zoom meeting. They are:
The Mathews High School Virtual Symphony Orchestra, comprised of students from the Concert Band, Chorus and Orchestra classes, performing “Don’t Stop Believin,” under the direction of MHS music director Tim Fary.
The GHS Hybrid Wind Ensemble, performing “Joy to the World” under the direction of band director Samuel Venable. Only a third of...

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