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GREA holds luncheon; honors scholarship winners

The Gloucester Retired Educators Association heard a presentation by Donna Forbes of the Gloucester Visitor’s Center during a summer luncheon meeting on June 27 at the DAV Chapter 58 building on Professional Drive.
Forbes shared information about the exhibits housed in the museum, which is located adjacent to the Colonial Court House in the Historic Court Circle. She focused on the Werowocomoco Room in particular, said a press release, telling those gathered that visitors can learn about the historic Native American archaeological site through videos, artifacts, and other items at the museum.
Forbes gave a brief history of the Werowocomoco site, said the release, explaining that it was the home of Powhatan, a Virginia Algonquin political and spiritual leader. The village was a place of politics, ceremony, and trade, she said, and it was the place that Powhatan first met with European people. Later, he moved westward because of English encroachment.
Another room in the visitor’s center ...

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