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Grant available for G.I. homeowners with failing septic systems

The Mathews Community Foundation has awarded the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission $9,000 to assist low-income homeowners on Gwynn’s Island with repair or replacement of their failing septic systems.
According to a letter from the MPPDC to Mathews County, the MPPDC’s On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Funding Program will consider any repair approved by the Virginia Department of Health and not prohibited by any local ordinance to be suited for funding under this program. Funds will be awarded based on current median family income as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Septic systems are vital to a family’s and community’s health and wellness, said the letter. Failing septic systems can lead to sewage ponding in yards, which presents a public health and water quality concern.
As sea level continues to rise and flood, events become more commonplace, said the letter, and the risk of ponding and untreated sewage leaking into tributaries su...

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